Bad Credit Home Loan
Need Funds Urgently But Have Bad Credit? A Bad Credit Home Loan May Be The Solution.
With home loans taking up an increasingly big portion of the financial sector (close to a trillion and a half in value), finding a lender has become easier than ever before.
In what is now a highly competitive market, Borrowers can choose from hundreds of options when searching for a home loan. Most Australians source their loans through a bank as their first choice. However, securing a loan might not be so easy for those who do not fit into the standard criteria set by most traditional lenders.
If your client’s circumstances do not permit borrowing from the banks, a private lender is a perfectly viable option to consider. At Gryphon Financial, we can help you settle difficult scenarios quickly - even with clients who may have issues with other lenders.
About Bad Credit Home Loans
These Are Typically Sought By Borrowers With Poor Credit History, And For Good Reason.
Someone With A Credit History That Includes A Couple Of Negative Items (Such As Defaults Or Judgements) Will Be Perceived By Lenders As Being Of Higher Risk, And Fewer Lenders Will Be Willing To Lend To Them.
Bad Credit Home Loan Terms
Bad credit loans often come with slightly increased interest rates, to compensate for the additional risk being taken by our lenders.
But this is counterbalanced by the fact that it provides borrowers with bad credit a chance to repair their credit history, and possibly even build
It Up Enough To Be Eligible For A Traditional Loan In The Future.
What Makes Private, Bad Credit Home Loans Different?
For clients who need funds urgently, whether to pay the ATO and creditors and avoid repossession or being put into administration, private lenders are the perfect solution.
But although private lenders have a much higher risk tolerance, not all will settle with minimal doc borrowers or those with bad credit. If this happens to be why the banks are turning your clients away, we’re here to help. At Gryphon Financial, we don’t just deal with bad credit; we specialise in it.

Gryphon Financial - Private Lender for Bad Credit Home Loans